This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

Posted in Recipes on 12.12.2020

Pumpkin Spice Pull Apart Bread

prep: 30 mins / cook: 40 mins / inactive: 2 hours 0 mins / total: 3 hours 10 mins / quantity: 1 loaf Print recipe?

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on
This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice!

Being made of all things sweet, ooey and gooey this pull apart bread is just amazing – especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning!

I’ve made it a total of four times now.  In the first incarnation I didn’t think about how I was going to stack the layers before I came to actually stacking them and basically ballsed it up completely.  I had to get Phil, spatulas, a fish slice and 2 pairs of hands involved.  It tasted fantastic but looked really wonky when it was baked.  I cut too many layers and cut them too short so it all sort of scrunched up in the tin, blossomed out at the ends and sunk a bit in the middle.  Didn’t stop us demolishing it in just one sitting though.

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

The second time I got the logistics right, took a few videos of the process as I thought words might not adequately explain the stacking process and just about managed to get the finished thing photographed before we literally sat on the floor tearing piece after piece off.  We didn’t bother with lunch that day.

The next two times were entirely made by Phil.  He quite enjoys a bit of weekend baking and I quite enjoy having a day off from cooking 😉

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

I’m utterly in love with the Pumpkin Spice flavouring from Foodie Flavours.  It smells just like autumn and gives a wonderfully gentle, spicy, citrusy flavour to whatever you put it in.  It solves the problem of having to have many different jars of spices in the cupboard to get that iconic pumpkin spice flavour.  And because their flavourings are all high strength you don’t need much for a recipe.  Anything from around 20 drops for this pull apart bread or these Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon Swirls to just 5 drops for this Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte.

How to make this delicious pumpkin spice bread:

Start by cooking the apples.  This allows them enough time to cool before you add them to the layers of dough.  I’ve used vegan butter and brown sugar for that extra sticky sweet caramel flavour.

Stir in the Pumpkin Spice.   And take a moment or two to fully enjoy that caramel apple pumpkin spice smell.  Ahhhhhh.  I’ve used around 20-25 drops for the perfectly spiced flavour.  Stir in the chopped pecans and set aside to cool.

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

Make the dough.  This is a really simple process, nothing scary about making your own bread.  Nor anything quite as satisfying.  There’s something almost primal about homemade bread.  Maybe I’m just releasing my inner cave woman.  AND you get bread at the end of it all.  Carbs be damned, it’s nearly Christmas.  The only thing to be aware of is the temperature of the liquid – you want it only just lukewarm.  When you put your finger in to test it you can’t really tell if it’s warm or cold.

Knead the dough for a good 5-10 minutes.  This is what makes the dough stretchy and elastic and gives bread its, well, bread like texture and crumb.  For a bit more about the science I’ve written a comprehensive guide for how to make your own bread.

Leave the dough to prove in a warm place until doubled in size.  This can take anywhere from half an hour to over an hour dependent on how warm the place is.  You don’t want it any warmer than 40 degrees C.

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on
This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

Once your dough is proved roll it out to a large rectangle.  Use plenty of flour during rolling and move the dough around a little to prevent it sticking.  You want the rectangle to be roughly 34 cm long and 17 cm wide.

Brush with melted butter.  Because now is not the time for moderation or restraint.

Cut the dough before you start to layer up.   This was where I made the mistake the first time.  I topped the dough with everything then realised I’d have to move everything in order to get the layers so the final bread would be ‘pull apart’.  Instead, cut the whole rectangle in half lengthwise then in half across the middle so you end up with 4 quarters.

On the first quarter sprinkle the apple and pecan mix then top with a little cinnamon sugar.  Because cinnamon sugar makes everything better.  Top that with another piece of dough and repeat the layering process until you’ve used all the dough.

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

Cut the layered dough into 6 equal pieces.  I tip the prepared tin up so it’s sitting upright, this just makes it easier to lift the dough into it without it falling over.  Once you’ve finished layering put the tin flat and sort of fan the layers out so they fill the tin.

Leave to prove once again then bake in a hot oven.  And try and restrain yourself for at least 10 minutes for it to cool enough to eat.  An extra drizzle of icing is optional but thoroughly recommended!

This pumpkin spice pull apart bread makes a yummy breakfast or afternoon treat! Each layer is slathered in vegan butter, caramel apples, pecans and gorgeous pumpkin spice! This bread is all things sweet, ooey, gooey and just amazing - especially warm out of the oven. The perfect bread for a cosy weekend morning! #pumpkin #pullapart #bread #caramel #pumpkinspice #psl #homemadebread #caramelapples | Recipe on

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Pumpkin Spice Pull Apart Bread

prep: 30 mins / cook: 40 mins / inactive: 2 hours 0 mins / total: 3 hours 10 mins / quantity: 1 loaf


Apple Mixture:

  • 3 medium apples – peeled and chopped small
  • 2 tblsp (25g) vegan butter
  • 1/4 cup (40g) light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup (60g) pecans – roughly chopped
  • 20-25 drops Foodie Flavours Pumpkin Spice


  • 1/2 cup (125ml) unsweetened non dairy milk
  • 1/2 tsp light brown sugar
  • 1 + 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
  • 1 cup (200g) strong white bread flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tblsp (25g) vegan butter


  • 1 tblsp (15g) vegan butter – melted
  • 1/4 cup (40g) light brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon


Loaf tin 9 x 5 inches (23 x 12.5 cm) or 900g (2lb)


  1. Start by making the apple mixture - put the chopped apples, butter and sugar into a saucepan and cook over a gentle heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring from time to time, until soft and caramelised.
  2. Stir in the pumpkin spice drops and chopped pecans and set aside to cool
  3. To make the dough warm the milk and sugar until just tepid (or body temperature) then whisk in the yeast. Cover and leave to froth for 5-10 minutes
  4. While you're waiting for the yeast put the flour, salt and butter into a large bowl and rub the butter in using the tips of your fingertips until no lumps of butter remain
  5. Add the frothy yeast liquid to the bowl of dry and stir together till it starts to form a dough then tip out onto your work surface and knead for 5-10 minutes until the dough becomes soft and stretchy
  6. Put into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and put somewhere warm until the dough has doubled in size - this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour
  7. For the filling, stir the sugar with the cinnamon then set aside
  8. Prepare your tin if necessary - I butter and dust my tin with flour to help prevent it sticking. You can also use parchment to line the base and sides to make it easier to lift out
  9. Once the dough has proved tip out onto a lightly dusted work surface and roll out to a rectangle 13.5 x 6.5 inches (34 x 17 cm)
  10. Cut the dough in half lengthwise then in half across the middle giving you 4 smaller rectangles then brush them all with melted butter
  11. Sprinkle 1/4 of the apple mixture over one of the quarters of dough then sprinkle over 1/4 of the cinnamon sugar
  12. Lift one of the other pieces of dough on top of this and again sprinkle with another 1/4 of the apple and sugar mixture
  13. Repeat this process with the two remaining dough pieces. For the last piece though, leave 1/3 of the dough completely empty at one end as this is the piece that will be the end of the loaf - if it's covered in filling it will most likely fall off when you remove it from the tin once baked!
  14. Cut the layers into 6 equal pieces then carefully place into your tin next to each other. Alternatively tip your tin up so it's sitting upright and layer the dough by placing the cut stacks upon each other - when you turn it the right way up you'll need to fan them out a bit so they're evenly spaced in the tin. You don't want them all bunched up one end!
  15. Leave to prove once more until doubled in size
  16. Just before the pull apart bread is ready to be baked heat your oven to 170 Fan / 190 C / 375 F / Gas 5
  17. When the dough is ready bake for 40 minutes until crisp and golden
  18. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before carefully tipping out into a wire rack to cool for another 5-10 minutes
  19. Meanwhile make the glaze by mixing the icing sugar with a couple of drops of cream cheese flavouring and just a couple of drops of water till you get a runny icing
  20. Homemade bread is best enjoyed the same day but this will keep reasonably well for another day or two - just store in an airtight container once completely cooled
Pumpkin Spice Pull Apart Bread


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Hello there!  I’m Sam, former Michelin star pastry chef and now your go-to vegan foodie on a mission to make plant-based eating a deliciously easy adventure!  From cozy comfort foods to vibrant salads and decadent desserts, there’s something for everyone in my kitchen.

Whether you’re cooking for one or for a houseful I believe food doesn’t have to be complicated to be full of FLAVOUR and I want to show you how.  I’ve been a rigorous meal planner for over a decade whilst embracing seasonal ingredients (because that’s where the real flavour is!)

I’m also a dedicated dog mum to Nooch and Baxter and enjoy cooking them homemade treats (many of which are posted here) when I’m not screaming at the tennis or devouring fantasy fiction.

All things spring - bright, fresh vegan meals and baked treats!

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